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  • Writer's pictureFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Clarksdale Launches the "Cure Sickle Cell" Movement

Although Congress has designated September as the "National Sickle Cell Awareness Month," the city of Clarksdale will host its 1st Annual Celebrity Charity Basketball Game as part of its newly launched "Cure Sickle Cell" campaign.

Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder that results in red blood cells becoming hard and sickle-shaped. Disrupting the normal flow of blood in the body, these cells can cause painful and sometimes life-threatening side effects.

In association with the Elvis Williams Sr. Foundation, the Cure Sickle Cell campaign is a joint charity effort with the Jaleesa Collins Foundation to raise awareness for sickle cell disease. The focus remains on the attention and need for research and treatment as doctors and researchers are working together to learn how to best treat and manage those affected by their sickle cell disease, including sickle cell anemia and other blood disorders.

One in every 500 African-American babies are born with sickle cell disease as it currently affects 70,000 to 100,000 Americans.

Considered one of the most completely defined illnesses, there is no adequate treatment. Over the last few decades, this illness has seen a big decline in funding and public awareness which has led many people to believe that this potentially life-threatening illness had been eradicated.

Break the silence by knowing more. Let's educate ourselves and others through research efforts and testing.

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